The wild and wacky adventures of Jim, Jenniffer, Connor, Garin and Baby Tristan. It's never a dull moment at our house!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Happy Half Birthday Tristan!
I can't believe that I am posting our little guy is 6 months old already!!! It seems like it was just a few weeks ago that I was furiously posting pictures and his birth story and now he's celebrating 6 months. As you can see from the picture, we've got quite the little personality on our hands! We had pictures taken on 8/22 and the photographer had a hard time keeping him still enough to get the shot. We fell in love with this one and decided that this was the one. He's working on crawling and can get all around the upstairs now with no trouble. Unfortunately, he's still trying to cut his first tooth and he's got another ear infection but he's such a trooper. Even when he feels badly he's still trying to smile and be a happy baby. The boys have been spending the week up at Grammi and Papa's house for one last summer week of fun. Hockey starts next week and then school shortly after so we will be one uber busy household!!! We've really had a fun summer with all the boys spending time together and just enjoying being a family. Here's the picture that we got of all three handsome guys. What a blessing to have such awesome kids!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We're on the move!

Tristan is mastering the art of crawling! He's up on all fours and going forward, thankfully, not very quickly but it's coming. He has a funny way of getting up on the tips of his toes and pushing his butt up in the air too. The boys are having a great time encouraging their little brother to get around the house-little do they know this will put an end to their freedom too.
I can't believe that summer is quickly coming to an end and we're looking at back to school and back to hockey in just two short weeks. I'm ready for everyone to get back on a schedule since it's been a crazy summer driving all over but it will be a new adventure with two big boys in school and hockey and fitting the baby's schedule into the mix. We can do it-we're tough! Here's a few more pictures of my wild boys.

Finally! A weekend at home, kind of.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Class of 89 Reunion
Jenniffer had her 20 year class reunion last weekend in Superior. It was an absolute blast!! It was so great to get together with my girlfriends and catch up-makes us remember why we've been friends for over 30 years! The weekend kicked off with a tour of SSHS and then a social night at Ropers Saloon on Friday night for some mechanical bull riding (which I did NOT do!) and then a live band. Made it too hard to hear to talk but it was fun seeing old friends and seeing how everyone has changed. Then on Saturday some of the Cooper Elementary School gang got together at Grandma's Saloon in Duluth for lunch and some great laughs-I think we scared some people off with all of our rowdiness! Jenn stayed in Souptown on Saturd
ay night with her friends, Mia, Mel, Sherrie and Elizabeth for girls night and getting ready in the room was like old times-lots of silliness and fun. Saturday night's festivities took place at Ace's on 29 for a dinner, class DVD showing and it was much quieter so we could sit and really visit with everyone. It was interesting to hear the stories of where everyone is now. The larger C
ooper Kids got together for a picture too! We all made a pact that we wouldn't let so much time to pass before we get together again. I miss my friends so much but it's great that we all have the blessing of families and children.
FINALLY-an update!
I know, it's taken me forever to post an update but better late then never right? It's been a busy summer and the boys are all growing like crazy. Tristan is 5 1/2 months old now and weighs in at 19 pounds and 27 inches tall. He's starting to learn to crawl so nothing will be safe in our house soon.
The Connor and Garin have been back and forth to Grammi and Papa's house at the lake, Connor went to hockey camp in North Dakota in July and they took a family trip with their dad in August to Brainerd so we feel like we don't hardly see them these days! Guess that's what being a kid is all about...having fun in the summer. We took a fun Sunday trip to the Como Zoo in late July which was a fun day for all of
us. Tristan slept through most of the day but what he did see he liked! Tristan also had his first trip to the swimming pool and that boy loves the water! Jim had him in the big pool splashing and he kicked his legs like crazy. He did try and drink the pool water though so tummy time in the water is a challenge for sure. He's such a joy for our whole family. I'm so lucky to have three beautiful, healthy boys and I feel blessed every single day.

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