I had my 35 week appoinment today. My morning sugar readings are still high so I will have to take meds to regulate them since diet didn't seem to help. I also start weekly non-stress tests for the baby on Wednesday. It's a non-invasive procedure that externally monitors how the baby is doing since my Gestational Diabetes could cause issues for him. Good news is I get to hear and see him once a week so that's not a bad thing.
Jim went to the Doctor last week as he's been having headaches and dizziness. He had an MRI and they found what is called at Chiarri Malformation-level one. What it is exactly is the tissue at the base of his brain is extending down into his spinal column-he's had this since birth. It's not a threatening condition and the only true cure is surgery but his symptoms would have to get very severe before they would operate. He had a follow up with Neurology today and a few more blood tests. The good news is that they didn't find any significant issues or cancer but the bad news is that there's not much besides pain management for his headaches. Pray for Jim that these will be minimal in occurance and that nothing further developes.
Like the Mortin Salt container says "When it Rains, it Pours!" We are so thankful for the many, many blessings we have been given and pray for the strength to cope (and not whine!) about the challenges that we've been given!!!