I had my 33 week Doctor appointment on Friday and we got some interesting news. Everything looks good, my blood pressure, lost a couple of pounds (yea!!) and Tristan's hearbeat was great at the mid 130's. BUT my Doc informed me he wants to do an Ultrasound on Thursday because I am measuring a little big. So of course I ask him "What's a little big?" I was 33 weeks on Friday and I am measuring at 40 weeks-WHAT???? I asked if he was worried and he assured me that he's not worried in the least but he'd like to get a peek inside to see what's going on in there. We might have a big boy on our hands or I am just carrying big. Either wa
y, it was a bit of a shock but hey, this hasn't been like either of my other pregnancies so why should this be any different? I will post after my appointment and let everyone know! In the mean time, here's a lovely shot of the baby belly!
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