Tristan's 2 month check up was May 1 and our little man is now 13.2 pounds and a little over 13 inches long!!! He had his shots which wasn't a lot of fun but he was a trooper about it. It's so much fun to watch him interact with his brothers now too-he responds to their voices and smiles and "talks" to them now. Garin is getting to be such an attentive big brother, making sure Tristan is happy and trying to help out when he cries. Now, if I could have gotten help with the big blow out last night-I didn't think one little body could produce so much poop!! It was up the front, the back and out the sides-getting the kid to the tub without everything getting covered in the stuff was a real challenge. Of course, all I got was a huge smile from him! Oh well, that's what babies do!! But he sure does love his daddy.

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